We had fully expected to say good-bye to Luna today. Her early morning report wasn't great and Mike and I were preparing ourselves for the worst when we went to visit her this evening.
We were surprised to find an alert dog who looked very happy to see us. She can bear some weight on her front two legs and on the right rear. The left rear is not too good yet. Her front left is not very strong, but the doctor thinks we can improve the strength. Her front right is the strongest and she was actually using it to ask for attention. While we were there, she ate at least a cup of food. She is not completely in control of her bladder, but she does let the vet techs know when she needs to go.
I spent a long time massaging and flexing her legs and we told her what a good girl she is to keep up the fight. She is staying another night and hopefully we will be able to bring her home soon. We are now switching our thinking over to how to help her recover at home. I will continue to let you know how she is doing.
Thank you again for the support. I truly believe it has made a world of difference for Luna to have so many people rooting for her.
Great news. I'm sure she'll feel much better recovering in comfort at home.
I'm sorry I missed your post yesterday! One of the reasons I'm really leery of lure coursing is because I've heard of some nasty accidents, and an online friend lost one of her hounds during lure coursing. I have my fingers crossed that Luna will make a full recovery, or at least a very strong one. Has your vet suggested using a Bottoms Up Leash? It helped us a lot with our hound who had a spinal tumor. It took us a little bit to get used to it, but we were able to help her on days when her back legs just weren't cooperating. Our vet had one that they loaned us to use for a little while, but you can buy them online.
Visiting from Tales and Tails. I'm so glad to hear that Luna's condition has improved! I'll be thinking very good thoughts for her continued recovery.
-Chandra at Daley's Dog Years
Hi. I heard about you're situation from Bunny & family. Just wanted to stop by and wish you good greyhound vibes from here in the UK. Sounds like she's making good progress. Deccy x
I just heard about Luna's terrible accident over on Tales and Tails.
Song and I are sending you and especially Luna hugs and positive healinbg thoughts.
Oh my goodness. I've just come over from Tales and Tails where I just read that poor Luna had had a terrible accident. What a horrible, horrible thing to have happened. I am so sorry.
I've just read the post about the accident itself. It's something I can absolutely see our new adoptee doing, because he was the one who ran into other dogs when he was racing. Thank heavens nothing like this happened due to him. I'm definitely taking him to agility classes now that I've read this, and hopefully it will save him, and maybe another dog, some grief.
I so feel for you both. But the fact that Luna has improved so much, and can weight bear (some) and at least know when she needs to pee sounds very hopeful to me. I am sending my very best thoughts, wishes and prayers that she does indeed make a full recovery, bless her sweet heart.
I'll be back to watch how she does. And don't forget; please don't feel guilty and play the 'if only' game. She was truly doing what she loved and if you'd asked her would she like to lure course despite the risks, you know she'd have answered 'YES!!'
That is great news after what must have been a horrific day for you. I hope she continues to improve. Our dogs are everything to us and we want the best. I will keep your family in my thoughts today.
Mango Momma
I came here from Tales and tails, and just read about the accident. Those must be a terrible time for all of you, including Luna. I hope she goes on doing better. I'm sending billions of positive waves to her.
We are stopping over from Tales and Tails. We are sending drool and keeping our paws crossed for Luna to make a fully recovery. We recently had some experience with a canine chiropractor is there one near you that maybe able to Luna out as well. Sending good vibes to Luna and praying for your family. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Mom (Sherri)
Bunny sent us over to give you our well-wishes. It sounds like Luna is improving better than originally expected, and we will continue to send good thoughts to you that the trend continues!
I just learned of the accident from Tales and Tails. I'm glad that she is doing better and is expected to come home. Will she need to be crated? The reason I ask is that we just went through a surgery with our greyhound and he needed to be crated. We bought a soft-sided crate. It was easier to move around the house for him and give him a change of scenery.
You are in my thoughts. I can only imagine what you are going through.
Hugs to you and your family.
Praying, praying, praying for dear Luna and your family. Sounds like there is good progress. Hugs and crossed paws.
We are stopping by from Tales and Tails. We are keeping Luna in our prayers.
Stopping over as suggested from tales and Tails-I read the post about the accident and my heart was in my throat, but this post has much better news..Oberon sends kisses for Luna
I popped over from Tales and Tails too - what a trooper Luna is! I teared up reading Sunday's post, and I was so happy to read she's on the road to recovery. My grey girl Juno sends her best.
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